Friday, October 18, 2019

Various International Monetary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Various International Monetary - Essay Example On the contrary, International Monetary Fund ensures that there is international or global monetary corporation since it is a permanent institution that avails the machineries for collaboration and consultation on global monetary or international financial problems. IMF has changed the face of handling monetary issues on a global scale by establishing a permanent institution to take care of the problems (Fischer, & Lindgren 2014). On the other hand, the body is successful in facilitating the expansion as well as ensuring that international trade records a balanced growth. In this case, the body is promoting and maintaining high employment and income levels and has also been responsible the development of proactive resources of the global economies. Besides, IMF is promoting stability in international business exchanges, a role that ensures that the international economy does not experience depreciation in competition. In addition, the body has been assisting with the establishment of multilateral payment systems especially in transactions between the member states as a way of eliminating restrictions on foreign exchange that hinder the growth of the international trade. Apart from financial assistance, the IMF offers technical assistance to mem ber countries so as to create as well as implement sound economic, banking, monetary policies, and regulations (Fischer, & Lindgren

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