Saturday, October 5, 2019

A 2-3 page, double-spaced statement of purpose that describes your Essay

A 2-3 page, double-spaced statement of purpose that describes your background, reasons for applying to this graduate program, and your educational and career goals - Essay Example onditions of the living standard depend upon various economic measures taken by an individual and market as a whole, thus I opted for Economics in my Bachelor level education. My enthusiasm for learning more about Economics developed because of the intellectual family environment I was part of. My father was always open for discussions which encouraged me to be inquisitive about global happenings around the world. It was because of my father; I felt my opinions in the field, had a value associated with the real world. I also had the opportunity to meet two well known politicians which promoted my interest in the field of Economics and enhanced my understanding about how politicians or government can have an impact on the economic conditions of a country. My concern with global issues increased when I studied in US as well as in China. At this time, economic growth of China is the most interesting global issue for me. I realize that although China is the fastest growing economy in the world, issues related to wages and labor working standard have started to emerge. In the Masters program, I would like to further explore such questions: Is China’s undervalued currency good for its domestic economy? How should China maintain its economic growth in the long run? What are the economic policies, China should learn from the U.S. for its further development? I believe that while my Masters program will equip me with sufficient knowledge to answer these questions, my educational background in Econometrics will enhance my capabilities of learning with quantitative analysis skills such as regression model and time-series model. This skill has guided me through casual effects and hypotheses analysis. With this knowledge, I wish to gain a hands-on experience in policy analysis and make a difference in safeguarding developing countries’ economic development through research. My passion for the subject is not only related to the content of the subject but also my input

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