Saturday, October 12, 2019

Personal Narrative- Meeting God through Strangers :: Personal Narrative

Personal Narrative- Meeting God through Strangers Meeting strangers can often times be awkward, but there are other moments when, if given, a stranger can transform your life. The time frame was approximately six years ago and I was working as a photographer for Sears Portrait Studio. As the photographer, I was always meeting new and interesting people. My job was fairly predictable in that we primarily photographed children; except for one day when that would all change. I was working at the front counter when an older couple approached. Their disposition was gentle and soft. They wanted to know if we were photographing that particular day. I said, "Indeed, we were." I might mention that this couple was so polite in asking that I was a bit caught off guard. I told them we could get them in immediately if they were ready. The lady mentioned that all she needed to do was add a touch of lipstick, fix her husband's tie, and they could be ready. The wife made sure to explain that the portraits would be for their 35th wedding anniversary. They both followed me in to the sitting room as I began to take a few poses. After doing so, I started to notice something peculiar about the couple. I was not a Christian at that time, so all I really noticed is that they weren't like everyone else I encountered. I was in a difficult relationship myself, and after seeing their interaction with one another, it spurred me to ask them a question. I said, "I don't mean to pry, but I was noticing something about you both that seems unique; I was curious what makes your relationship work?" The woman paused for a moment and pondered my question. After a moment she replied with sheer confidence, "God." He was what made their relationship work. I took a few steps back. This was not the answer I was expecting. We continued with the sitting and I met them out front to finish up the sale. I told them that "it was nice to meet both of them and I appreciated their advice." But, before I got that full sentence out, the lady reached out and embraced me. I knew at that moment, God had a hold of me and that he was using this couple as a vehicle to my salvation. These "strangers" are my family today.

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