Friday, August 2, 2019

Essay --

Topic: Thalassemia disorder Thalassemia is an inherited co-dominant blood disease. It is characterized by reduced synthesis of the hemoglobin and less red blood in children affected by this disorder. Hemoglobin is the means through which red blood cells carry oxygen in our body. We need two forms of globin genes to make beta globin chains in our body, one from each globin gene. If one or two of these genes are defective, it produces beta thalassemia which is the less severe form of this disease. This disorder is a very common genetic disorder facing millions of people worldwide. People with mild Thalassemia usually do not need treatment. On the contrary, people who are severely affected will need regular blood transfusion. This form of the disease is common among people in the Mediterranean. This form can also be seen in North America and parts of Asia. This disorder is caused by changes in the DNA of cells that make hemoglobin, the substance in human red blood cells that carries oxygen throughout your entire body. This disease is a inheritance disorder passed from parents to children. When parents have low count of hemoglobin and high could of red blood cell it is then transferred to their new born child. There are various types of this disorder. It depends on gene factor relating to the child’s parents. The more altered genes, the more severe your condition. Hemoglobin particles are made of alpha and beta parts that can be affected by mutations. There are three major forms of this disorder that are categorized based on the severity of symptoms. They are minor, intermediate and major. Children with the minor or trait of the disorder do not experience any symptoms and may not require treatment. Children with the intermediate f... ... spleen. When the patient spleen cell is removed, their bodies become susceptible to bacterial infections. Some patients with this disorder also experience bone deformities where the bone of the face and other parts of the body are affected. Treatment option for the disorder includes; blood transfusion, which is done to replace the affected hemoglobin, Excess iron removal from the blood stream by administering folic acid to the patient, bone mirror transplant and sometime a surgery may be required In a research conducted by the American Academy of Family Physicians, patients with this disorder trait have a normal life expectancy provided to live a health live style – health eating regular exercises. However, those with the more severe form of the disease (beta thalassemia major), on average live 17 years and generally die before their thirtieth birthday. Dabah Bono

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