Monday, August 12, 2019

Analyse the association between variables Assignment

Analyse the association between variables - Assignment Example The contention was to find a simple equation that could represent the presented proposition with ease (Witte & Witte, 2009). This was followed by a calculation of the correlation coefficient that was meant to express how well the equation connected to the actual plot points. This was done to see how well any calculations based on the equation would reflect on the actual situation. Part (g) In terms of the initial hypothesis, the plotted points provide a strong correlation between the fitting of denture for the first time and the weight loss in the first year. However, it must be taken to note that the plotted points show a consistent behaviour for respondents with an initial weight under 80 kg. However, when respondents above 80 kg of initial weight are looked into, it becomes clear that they tend not to follow the initial hypothesis. The best solution would be to carry out more research with respondents with an initial weight of over 80 kg and to possibly model the situation using q uadratic or higher order polynomial functions in order to find a better fit for respondents with an initial weight above 80 kg. References Witte, R.S. ...

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