Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Factors Influencing Media and Media Reports in Nigeria

By Chidera onyemenam As comprehensive as this topic might seem, factors influencing media as it concerns structure, hail of outlets and contents can be principally classified into two. a) outside FACTORS b) INTERNAL FACTORS EXTERNAL FACTORS this covers the persuade on the media as a result of the environment within which the ken media communication system operates.They include i)cultural put to work ii) influence of the Economy iii) political influence iv)Religious influence v) Legal influence vi) scientific influence vii)Influence of Security INTERNAL FACTORS theses are influences on the media that take place in spite of appearance the media organisation. It is non readily obvious to the stallion populace. both(prenominal) of these influences are even denied by the media workforce. Some of these factors include i)Media bias ii) Ownership curb iii)Wealth iv) Threats Both classified factors are submissive to the recount of the media in Nigeria. In this regard, the state of media in Nigeria differs from that in south Africa, since the conditions in which they both operate, differ. This chapter seeks to identify and explain these divers(a) conditions and factors and how they directly affect our country Nigeria.EXTERNAL FACTORS heathen INFLUENCE Culture as defined by Clyde Wuckhohn (1905-1960) an influential American anthropologist is the integrality way of life commonly followed by the members of a partnership. He also describes it as a social legacy that an individualistic acquires from his group. According to Clyde as stated by Ifedayo Daramola in his book Media and Society (2005), culture includes determine, beliefs, customs, religion, technology, and the roles raft play in them.In the same vein, Sir Edward B Tylor defines culture as, that c omplex whole which includes knowledge, arts morals, law,custom and some(prenominal) separate capabilities and habits acquired by human race as a member of a society. (1871) Sharing the same views with him, Chinoy (1967) defines culture as everything in the environment which is not in the form originally given it by nature. Therefore culture includes all the acquired traits which the members of a society have in common, moreover one of the inborn ones. In other words, cultural traits are traits that are generally accepted and embibed. Consequent upon these definitions, we can solve that culture includes language, the philosophy, the religion, values, ideologies,moral codes, rituals, political beliefs and even mien of greeting found among a people. This by and by influences the thought pattern and idea of what is and what is not morally acceptable.For instance, the African culture potently abhors expository attires, whereas it means little or nothing to an American. The media exists for the society and so their graduation point of duty and allegiance is to their study audience. However, the bulk of the Nigerian audience is complex, stratified, tell apart and inter-related in so many ways. Considering this factor, the Nigerian media seeks to maintain a balance betwixt their media report and the diverse cultures present.Making sure to justly represent and not offend any culture in favour of another. In this regard, the media seeks to promote, all existing cultures since its products will eventually be handed down to these diverse audience for consumption. With the difference in philosophies and ideologies,the smokestack media is careful to tailor their news and concern with all sensitivity to the philosophies of their target audience. With appraise to culture also, the mass media has coined ways to riddle information to all and sundry.In this light, the NTA news sub-stations in opposit e verbalizes, broadcast news in the various languages common there. For example NTA Benue State broadcasts news in TiV and Idoma (the two most(prenominal) common tribes in Benue State). In coupling with this localisation of news, local newspapers in different States exist to address the particular ideas and need of that immediate society. These steps are interpreted to sustain audience patronage and accession coverage of a media outfit in a given region or society.The cultural influence on media has make it possible to reach all facets of society including the masses and minority. Television programmes like African Pot are solely utilize to the promotion of diverse cultures. The media, thus stands to push promote and devote its time and lacuna to adjust and fit into the boundaries of the peoples slated moral standards, values and belief. Anything contrary to this phenomenon will cause an turmoil from all cultural groups and institutions within the country. sub judice AND L EGISLATIVE INFLUENCE

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