Tuesday, July 23, 2019

205 Finals Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

205 Finals - Coursework Example Texas is a good example of a state in which the control of guns has lead to drastic reduction in the number of crimes. Since the early 1990s, the crime rate has dropped by around 50 percent (LaRosa, 2002). Some bias exist in this article, there are incidences where the author agrees that guns control assist in the prevention of violent crimes and there other where the author totally disagrees. Some of the examples given are biased like the one on Washington, D.C. The author states that the murder rate has increased by 134% while the overall crime rate has reduced by around 2 percent. The politicians blame the Virginia’s less strict gun control laws for the murders witnessed in D.C. The author further states that Virginia Beach, the largest city in Virginia has the lowest rates of murder (LaRosa, 2002). The same passage discussed above is vague and does not provide full details. Other areas where the statements are vague are the example given on Texas State. Crime rate is said to have reduce significantly since the adoption of the concealed carry laws. The information provided only covers the overall decline and does not give much detail on how the concealed carry laws worked for the state. The source of the information is credible. The author provides an idea of how the gun control prevents the occurrence of violent crimes. It provides the history, arguments for and against gun control and examples concerning the topic. Rhetorical devices used are examples; examples are given throughout the article. There are fallacies in the article, â€Å"people who obey gun-control laws are less able to defend themselves against those who don’t obey those same laws† (LaRosa, 2002, par 17). The statement is a lie because those who obey the gun control laws can still be able to defend themselves. This is because they can obtain permits that legally allow them to carry guns.

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