Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Effects Of Exposure On Persons With Social Anxiety...

Finally, a summary of meta-analytic reports by Rodebaugh, Holaway, Heimberg (2004) had a notable post- treatment effect in persons with social anxiety disorder: with effects ranging from moderate to large. These effects were larger in within-group interventions than in waiting-list interventions, and follow up studies done up to 12 months after treatment showed a retention of these effects. Generally, the use of cognitive restructuring and exposure was shown to have better results than the use of other interventions, and their combinations with cognitive restructuring. However, Rodebaugh reported that this difference was insignificant, with the insignificance being attributed to a small number of existing comparisons. In addition, the use of exposure alone and a combination of exposure and cognitive restructuring yielded similar results. Basing this observation, and on the findings from other interventions, it seems that exposure to stressors yields the best results. However, it is not clear whether such benefits are obtained from within- session exposure or from homework exposure. By conducting an empirical review on previously published findings, the researcher intends to find out whether the currently used methods are effective, and possibly introduce a new concept/ argument to the current existing discussion. Analysis of Methodology This empirical review focused on four English-language articles, which contained literature on the effectiveness of using cognitiveShow MoreRelatedEssay on Social Phobia Disorder1149 Words   |  5 PagesSocial Phobia Social phobia is a kind of disorder, which involves fear regarding societal situations and accomplishable destructive criticism. Social phobia is the greatest general psychiatric problem in epidemiological examination, with estimation of life time occurrence in western circle as more as 16%. 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