Friday, September 27, 2019

Proposal for a Health Education Programme Essay

Proposal for a Health Education Programme - Essay Example Moreover, the primary health care related knowledge has also been playing a significant role for maintaining good and proper health for small children. Contextually, learning regarding baby health care educations is also a significant factor that needs to be evaluated in this context (Nutbeam, 2006). In this regard, the health literacy is recognised to be a new concept for the people belonging from the modern era. It can be stated that education related to the baby health care is recognised to be important social determinant, which can work a crises management for maintaining infant healthier. It will be worth mentioning that the education in baby health care will be helpful towards ensuring a better health of new born babies as well as small babies. Moreover, baby health care related education is deemed to be useful in facilitating better skilled person for proving support during the any emergency to its family members. It will be worth mentioning that people should attend any heath care programmes for developing their knowledge related to baby health care facilities (Higgins & et. al., 2008). The principle objective of the proposed study is to prepare children health care programme plan especially for the parents, which will provide a systematic overview related to baby health care education. The proposed study primarily focuses upon organising the health education programmes especially for young parents and their children. In this regard, the study will also depict concern regarding the preparation of children health care programmes, which includes various sessions that can promote medical knowledge of young parents. Health education refers to a particular program that is deemed to be mainly responsible for promoting healthy living standard of people. The paper is concentrated over providing baby health care educational programmes to the parents of new born babies. The proposed study include certain objectives which are provided in

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